CRP Technology is 3D Printing Emergency Ventilators Valves

CRP Technology has manufactured in-house several prototypes of emergency valves for reanimation device and link-components for emergency respiratory masks for assisted ventilation.

For the manufacture of both type of components, the company used its 3D printing technology to create the emergency valves for ventilators and several Charlotte Valves which are link-components for the emergency ventilator masks.

The company said it’s patented the Charlotte Valve, to prevent any speculation on the price of the component. They clarify that the patent will remain free to use because it is in their intention that all hospitals in need could use it if necessary. It should be noted that neither the mask nor the link is certified and their use is subject to a situation of mandatory need.

Usage by the patient is subjected to the acceptance of the use of an uncertified biomedical device, by providing a signed declaration.